
transform GSO Newsletter: July 2023

by | Jul 17, 2023

Be Authentic:
Help us build a fun place to work where we can share
our interests and talents.

Shante’ and I recently had the pleasure of speaking to the Rotary Club of Greensboro about transform GSO, and while we talked about all the obvious things, like coworking, offices and meeting spaces, we also talked about the six core values we aspire to embody at tGSO. Be Authentic is the first of these, and I think about that a lot, for a few reasons. One is that when I come to work, I’m immediately shown a mirror filled with people who are absolutely committed to being their authentic selves. For someone who was taught that her authentic self was less than, these people are who I want to grow up to be someday. The second thing I love about this statement is the “help” part because it absolutely takes the help of our entire community to create this fun place. It is the sharing of our authentic selves that creates the kind of community that helps all those in it rise. And if our little tGSO community is a microcosm of the larger communities we inhabit, what could it look like if we all brought our authentic selves out to share our gifts and help each other rise?
All good things,
PS – According to Mark Gilbreath at LiquidSpace, “there’s never been a a more extraordinary time to be in the happy people business.” I couldn’t agree more, and I believe so strongly that tGSO is exactly that, I’m inviting you to come spend a day with us for free. Just click on my name above and shoot me an email telling me when you’d like to come. Pro tip: on Tuesdays, we have bagels and muffins. We can’t wait to meet you!

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Upcoming Events

Free Coworking Day @ transform Greensboro
July 27th, 8:30 am-5:00 pm

Come network and build connections at our two tGSO locations
at 111 Bain St. and 111 W Lewis. Enjoy our locally roasted gourmet coffee while you work in a top-notch environment with great people.
The last Thursday of every month is #freecoworkingday

Lunch & Learn: The Mighty Microgreen
July 27, 2023 12:00PM. 111 Bain St, Greensboro, NC 27406


We LOVE Our Community Partners!