
What does Community look like to you?

by | Oct 14, 2022

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I spent about five years working for the company that made the home. shirt. You’ve probably seen them around — your state with the word home. in typewriter font in the middle with a vintage distressed look to it. At one point, we were asking the question “what says home to you?” in an effort to find direction for our company. The answers we got were as varied as the people who offered them. For some, it was an actual place. For others, it was family and friends. For others it was a scent or a taste or a piece of music.

Community is a feeling much like home, often hard to articulate. I have had the pleasure of being a part of a lot of different communities. I grew up and spent much of my adult life in various theatre communities with all the drama that comes with that (sorry, yes, pun intended!); as the manager of Center City Park, I like to think I created a vibrant space, in which a community bloomed that I loved dearly (yeah, you’re just going to have to roll with the puns); as a member of a bagpipe band, I found myself part of a family of creatives marching to the beat of a different drummer (ok — I think I’m punned out now — you’re welcome). The point being, each of these very different communities gave me this deep feeling of belonging that I think we all crave.

In my brief time here at transform GSO, I have seen our little band of entrepreneurs connect and grow, share and collaborate. I have seen strangers become partners and partners become family. I have once again found, within our community, a place where I feel like I belong — and I want every member to feel that, too. So I’m here; I’m listening. Tell me what makes you feel like you belong; what does Community look like for you?
Let’s grow ours together.

All good things,

We’re on a mission to get more programming going that speaks to our community. So who better to weigh in on this than YOU?

Here are some ideas that have come from the community so far.
Let’s build on this!
Power yoga on Fridays and/or early mornings to upbeat music. People can vote for an artist or playlist for each week.
A podcast demo/“how to”
A lunch and learn on how to publish a book.
A session on crowdfunding for business.
A class on how to sell on Amazon or Etsy.
Website Design 101 – different sites people can use.
How to create a business entity.
A book exchange and/or a book club.
Cocktail or Mocktail class at the bar.
Tour of the Forge and maybe a demonstration or something.

Email peggy@transformgso.com with YOUR suggestions or if you know someone who would be willing to lead one of these.

We are the sum of our parts!
Please help us welcome
our newest Community Members…
Angie Alicea (New Western).                                                  Stephen Cowie
Jessica Cumins (New Western)
Peter Delaney (New Western)
Craig Derifield (Red Rock Management)                           Wijdan Dirar (Student)
Sarah Hollaway (New Western)                                    Danielle Martin (Student)
Kerstain Mason (Red Rock Management)
Benjamin McMillen (AimforBen)                                                  Lamont Prysock
Allyson Shelton (Royal Event Staffing)
Stacy Smith (AAY Realty LLC)                                                          Phil Stringer

Upcoming Events
Meditation Mondays

Our Monday Guided Meditation Sessions have been a great way to slow down and focus on what matters most and connect with other entrepreneurs at Transform GSO. Did you know you can join by Zoom? Click the link to see the topics for October and to sign-up.

Community Social

If you haven’t already, make sure to RSVP at the front desk for the Community Social we are hosting Wednesday the 19th from 5:30 pm-7:30 pm at Lewis. There will be free beer, wine, heavy d’oeuvres and lots of fun! It’s a great way to connect with your fellow tGSO community members.
(Please – tGSO community members only.)

Launch N Learn

October 19 9am-10:15am

A common misconception is that a cyberattack will never happen to your business because you are new or too small to be targeted, but that is untrue. In fact, small businesses are the target of 43% of all data breaches.

In this Launch N Learn, Piedmont Technical Experts will share common cybersecurity attacks, methods for protecting yourself and your organization, and answer your cybersecurity questions. Time permitting there will be open networking as well.

Did you know?
As a tGSO member, you have access to other coworking spaces in NC for free.
Check out the Coworking Passport options here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScVfm6UrxJjDN5IxxtfiaFEIL9CY6E5UYt8Hi2ATNcDTvsZow/viewform